M&A Integration Processes and Issues

M&A Integration Processes and Issues

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audai audai6 يونيو 2024آخر تحديث : منذ 4 أسابيع

In M&A, it is important to ensure that you don’t devalue the value of the deal. Therefore, you must make time to plan and establish your processes. I’ve discovered that the most frequent problems are relating to people – how they respond to change, how they resist it and what they do if things don’t go according to plan.

We help our clients set up an organization that allows them to recognize potential issues early and respond quickly. This could be for instance, having a weekly meeting where the IMO and functional work streams examine progress against the plan, and escalate issues and risks to SteerCo.

Once the method of addressing issues is established, it is important to concentrate on implementing. It is crucial to ensure that everyone in the team knows what they’re expected to do and how they’ll be evaluated, and how often. It’s also important to clearly define https://reising-finanz.de/ accountability (i.e. ownership of the final results) and the authority to make decisions for the entire business.

It is crucial that the CEO and other senior managers can focus at least 90% of their time on their core tasks and not be distracted by integration activities. It’s recommended to choose one person to head the Decision Management Office and coordinate work streams. This person may be from the company that is acquiring it or be a rising star within the merged company with the backing of their boss.

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